Masks & Hand Washing

By Matt Stanley/General Manager Another week in our new landscape has passed, and we continue to be inspired by the positivity and incredible adaptability shown by customers and staff alike. These adaptations continue this week: We continue to follow the World Health Organization and Center for Dise

Stop the Spread

A message from our General Manager, Matt Stanley We continue to navigate our new reality operating a grocery store during a pandemic. We’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response to all the measures we put in place. Thank you so much for adhering to them! These times certainly call for coopera

Fundraiser for Guy

Update: It is with heavy hearts, we share the news that Guy passed away. We’re glad he had the opportunity to hear from so many of you and to know his final medical costs won’t burden his family. Thank you for all the expressions of love you have sent his way. They meant the world to Guy

Grocery Pickup

Astoria Co+op is offering grocery pickup service to help keep our most vulnerable community-members safe. If you’re of good health and not in a high-risk group for coronavirus, please visit our store, as we have limited capacity to implement curbside pickup. We are taking many precautions to keep th

More Coronavirus Precautions

In a continued effort to keep providing the community with groceries in the safest manner possible, we are making additional changes until further notice that include the following: We will no longer accept outside reusable containers in the store. This means no reusable grocery bags, no reusable bu

New Hours & Other Safety Measures

Due to current circumstances, we need more time to stock and sanitize. Starting March 18, we’ll reduce hours to 9am-7pm. Today, we began limiting the number of customers in the store to 10 individuals or groups/families. We have a staff person at the entrance helping to queue shoppers and have measu

Hot Bar, Salad Bar & Seating Area Closed

In a continued effort to keep our store as clean and safe as possible, we’ve made some changes to our deli. For the time being, there will be no self-serve food in the hot bar and salad bar. We’re still serving food in the taqueria and upping grab n’ go options. All prepared foods are currently to g

Update: A Healthy Co-op

A message from our General Manager Matt Stanley It is often the case, in difficult times, that grocery stores are a vital resource to the communities they serve. The recent outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is proving that this continues to be true. You have come to us in recent days to stock

A Healthy Co-op

The news about the coronavirus spreading in our country and cases in Oregon and Washington is concerning. Your co-op is closely monitoring the situation and taking precautions for the health of our shoppers and staff. We have stepped up frequency of sanitizing door handles and other surfaces and hav

Spring Wellness Sale

During our Spring Wellness Department Sale that starts Friday, every vitamin, supplement, bath and body care product is 25% off! It’s the perfect opportunity to stock up on everything your body needs to stay healthy during this change in seasons. Whether you’re looking to support healthy blood sugar