Fresh Eggs from Backwater Farm

By Emily Renne Vollmer Photos by Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography A soft clucking from high up in the hay bales reveals a hen nestled on a clutch of eggs. Farmer Bruce Craven mentions in a patiently exasperated tone that some in the flock know that they can fly, and this is one of those hens

Expansion Clears City Council

The Astoria City Council approved a rezone necessary for our new store at the Mill Pond site. This moves us another step closer to breaking ground. Design review will be next. We appreciate those who testified and wrote letters in support of the Co-op. It really helped! The land use process is compl

Co-op Goes to City Council

Expansion Update by Matt Stanley/Co-op General Manager Momentum in our co-op is strong! The result of nearly five years of planning and preparation mean we are poised to present our building design plans to city officials, get commitments for commercial loans, and see construction start this summer

Yes Vote for Co-op

The Astoria Planning Commission voted in favor of a rezone request necessary to keep our project on track at a meeting January 24. The city council will have the ultimate say on the rezone. Read more about in the Daily Astorian’s coverage. The planning commission meeting was lengthy. There wer

Expansion Goes to Planning Commission

By Zetty Nemlowill/Co-op Marketing Director Before we can break ground on a new store, we must successfully get through the land use process and could use your help. The Astoria Planning Commission meets on Wednesday January 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Astoria City Hall to consider a zone change that’s

Priced to Compete

By Zetty Nemlowill/Co-op Marketing Director One reason I love my job is I truly believe in the Co-op; from local ownership to local food. It’s also great to work at a place everyone loves! A complaint I still sometimes hear though, is that we’re too expensive, but we’re making some

New Year Expansion Update

Many co-op supporters have been asking where we are in the expansion project. We are currently working through the approval process. We are seeking a zone change and have to complete Design Review with the City of Astoria and the Mill Pond Home Owners Association. The next big step is approval from

Quick Expansion Update

We are basking in the support our owners have shown by investing $1.5 million dollars in just eight weeks. Planning and financing work continues behind the scenes and we’re moving full-steam ahead on building a bigger store. One big step that’s happened is submission of a land use application to the

Josephson’s Smokehouse

Local Producer Profile By Emily Vollmer Photos by: Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography A gentle billow of smoke, sweet with the rich aroma of salmon, escapes the smokehouse door as we peek inside. A century ago, in 1917, Mike Josephson’s grandfather, Anton Josephson, tried his hand at smoking fi

Holiday Turkey & Pies

Holiday turkeys and pies are now available at the store. This year we’ve got Diestel turkeys. They are raised under strict standards including a healthy environment, fresh mountain water, and clean air from the Sierra Nevada Foothills. Vegetarian feed never contains fillers and birds are never