Bowls of the World

Fresh Deal! Get one of our signature bowls for just 6.99 (reg. 8.99) Dec 2–15 The co-op kitchen’s service counter is open for takeout daily 11am–6pm. Take a break from cooking and enjoy items from our “Bowls of the World” menu, globally-inspired meals, fast and fresh. Click here to

Board Election Results

While the world watched to see who the next US president would be, the co-op was having an election too, albeit much more low key!  This was our first time offering electronic voting for a Board of Directors election. A total of 228 co-op owners (members) voted for two uncontested seats. Here are th

Thanksgiving Menu

Our wonderful cooks have prepared a one-of-a-kind, culturally-inspired holiday offering. Heat n’ eat and ready-to-eat entrees and sides are packaged a la carte in various sizes at the salad bar Monday–Wednesday, November 23–25 (available while supplies last). Entrees & Sides Korean Braised

Thanksgiving 2020

Despite 2020’s challenges, it’s the first Thanksgiving in our new store and we’re working hard to serve you a bigger, better, one-of-a-kind offering: from quality traditional fixings to mouth-watering cultural twists. Let’s talk turkey. Mary’s Organic and Mary’s non-GMO turkeys are now available at

Bags are back!

Did you know it’s OK to shop with reusable bags? Earlier in the pandemic, we banned them, but having learned the risk of exposure is low, we feel OK about bringing ’em back. Demand for single-use bags has skyrocketed and mills country-wide are having trouble keeping up. Paper bag supply

Nourishing Broths

With more cold, rainy gray days, our kitchen manager Andy Catalano followed his cravings. He thought nourishing broths would be a welcome addition to our offering. Chef Andy says you can heat the broth and eat, versus stock, a “utility player” in the kitchen but not something you’d neces

Closing Early

We will be closing the store early on Sunday, October 18 at 5:45pm for a filming. In order to be eligible for this opportunity, we are not at liberty to disclose any further details at this time. We anticipate you’ll be able to see how your co-op was featured this spring and hope you’ll be thrilled!

Annual Meeting

Update: our first ever virtual annual meeting is in the books. If you are a co-op owner who missed the meeting and would like to view a recording, please email [email protected] for instructions.  This year’s annual meeting will be like no other! You can attend in your slippers if you want, b

Garden Refresh

You may have noticed mountains of soil in our parking lot and extra hands hard at work around our landscaping. Gardener Becky Graham has defended our beautiful plants from being overtaken by hoards of invasive Horsetail that sprouted up from construction soil. She’s amending the soil naturally

Double Up Food Bucks Survey

If you have participated in the Double Up Food Bucks program this year, your feedback is needed! Our co-op was thrilled to start offering Double Up Food Bucks earlier this year. After success at farmer’s markets, the program extended to a small number of grocery stores in Oregon for the first time.