Our wellness department contains vitamins, supplement and body care as well as some really cool merchandise that makes great gifts! Katie, our wellness manager came up with a list of items you may be interested in for last minute holiday shopping.

Blue Bottles: This Blue Glass Water Bottle is ideal for making Blue Solar Water, a Ho’oponopono cleansing tool. Allow sunlight to shine through this bottle filled with clean water for one hour or more to help amplify and accelerate this cleansing and rejuvenating process.

Empower CBD infused Soaking Salts: These soaking salts are a luxurious blend of Epsom Salts, Dead Sea Salts, and Pink Himalayan Salts, CBD oil from USDA Certified Organic hemp, and an aromatherapeutic combination of essential oils, including Bergamot and organic Lavender, which soothe the senses.

Himalayan Salt Lamps: These beautiful lamps do more than light up a room. They are thought to support a healthy mood and sleep by purifying the air surrounding it.

“A Coastal Christmas” Santa Drops in at the Mouth of the Columbia: This unique chapbook tells a fun Christmas story while doubling as a decoration. With words by Long Beach Peninsula writer, Lynette Rae McAdams, and illustrations by Sally Lackaff, an Astoria artist, this new classic is a must have for every lover of the coast.

Handcrafted Ornament Candle: Beautifully and intricately sculpted, these hand crafted beeswax ornaments are a perfect addition to your holiday decor. These candles are truly amazing while burning for over 40 hours, casting a luminescent glow through their unique design.