Co+op Deals is Here! What is that you might ask?

Early this year our Co-op officially became full member owners in the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA). This cooperatively run business services organization partners more than 120 nationwide food co-ops in order to provide purchasing power, staff development programs, financial oversight, and, most notably for our co-op shoppers, a promotional program called Co+op Deals.

The Co+op Deals program consists of several components, the most prominent of which is a bi-monthly sales flyer. Beginning in June, our co-op will distribute these sales flyers throughout our region via the Daily Astorian. We know that you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the competitive pricing inside the flyer. We’ll be highlighting some of the best deals on our sales endcaps in the front of the store. We’ll even have local artists chalking up fun graphics above these sale displays (if you’re interested in helping with these chalkboard signs, email [email protected]). You’ll notice these displays changing every two weeks in connection with the sales flyer.

Co+op Deals will be communicated in store through specific signage. These sales will be available to all shoppers. Our aim is to introduce the co-op to new shoppers by showing them that our store provides competitive pricing on key or staple items. While they check out the organic olive oil for $8.99, they won’t be able to pass up the fresh produce, tasty organic deli, friendly staff, and all the other wonderful things our co-op has to offer. Before they know it, they’ll be co-op owners just like you!
The Co-op will still feature member/owner sales. New signage will clearly indicate that a sale is a member-only deal.  These sales are an additional member benefit that we will continue to offer on a monthly basis. Weekly produce sales will also remain member-only specials.

In addition to the bi-monthly sales flyer, the Co+op Deals program will include a coupon program that permits additional savings at the Co-op! Don’t worry; we don’t expect you to do a bunch of coupon clipping. We’ll post coupon tear off pads right in front of the products to which they apply. Once in a while a coupon will apply to a product that is on sale too. That means some pretty good deals! Our first coupons will hit the store in July. They are valid for two month periods and are available to all shoppers.

All in all, the Co+op Deals program accomplishes what our co-op could never do alone. Only through the combined effort of many co-ops across the country can we offer this additional value to our community. Help us share the program with friends or family who may think the co-op is too expensive.  Co+op Deals will prove that the Astoria Co-op can be your go-to grocery store!

Making Peace with Peas

By Allie Evans, Co-op Board Member, Astoria Mom, & Naturopathic Physician

peas for web

As parents, of course we want to feed our children the most nourishing health foods out there.  We go through great efforts to buy healthy ingredients, and sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully prepare them into meals our children will eat.  I can remember steaming and pureeing plain unseasoned zucchini for my daughter’s first meal, which she undeniably did not enjoy; nor did I when I tried it.

In terms of the physiology of a child, taste and taste preferences are a very real and necessary part of a child’s development, yet it can be very inconvenient for the health-conscious desperately hoping their child will someday love kale.  Pickiness is in fact normal and physiologic.

In light of this, maybe we, as the adults feeding the children, can shift our paradigm just a bit.  What if we make peace with where the child is at.  Let’s not give ourselves a hard time that all our child wants to eat is the same foods over and over.  Let us teach through example.  Let the children see us adults feeding ourselves in a nourishing fashion and let them learn through our model.  Let’s be brave and try new recipes for our kids, but feel OK when we put a trusted favorite on their plate.  Let’s balance the adventure and the comfort.  Let’s encourage our kids to exercise their taste buds and try bites of new foods without forcing them to like it or finish it.  The more times they try, the more likely they will be to train their taste buds into liking it.  But remember, actions speak louder than words, let them see us shopping, preparing and enjoying wholesome foods, and some day they may just be on board with a lunch of tempeh, greens and quinoa.  Here’s to the adventure.  Let’s go on it with the youngsters we are feeding, and we may find some new foods for ourselves as well.

Featured Wines


One of our favorite distributors, Ewald Moseler, traveled from Portland to the Co-op for a wine tasting recently.


Ewald featured four wines including the following:

The Craftsman Pinot Noir, an Oregon wine with bright cranberry flavors and hints of earth and cinnamon with a luscious mouth-feel, and a great price for under $20. This is a new product at the Co-op.


2 Copas Spanish Red, 50% Syrah and 50% Tempranillo, is an aromatic and “friendly” wine for every occasion.  It has aromas of blueberry jam and plums with hints of pepper and exotic spices.  This is a smooth, great everyday wine that goes well with mildly seasoned meats, cheese and cold cuts.

2 copas

BioKult Grüner Vetliner is a white wine from Austria, which is described as having a fresh and crisp citrus taste, balanced with a creamy texture.  Dry with a touch of pepper, this wine makes a very nice aperitif as well as a pairing with seafood.


Weingut Herbert Pazen, Mosel Valley, is a 100% Riesling, out of Germany.  It has a fruity taste with a lemony dry finish, perfect to serve with roasted pork and Asian cuisine.  The winery shipped only 70 of the 110 cases produced to Oregon.


For as long as Ewald can remember, these winemakers, the Pazens, have been “the family next door” in the tiny village of Rachtig, where Ewald grew up.


Ewald Moseler Selections at Mitchell Wines, based in Portland, is an importer and wholesaler of fine wines from Germany and Austria. The Co-op loves working with Ewald and being able to offer his wines to you.

New Products

Brand Spankin’ New Products at the Co-op!

Our Kendall McEuen has been busy stocking shelves with 14 brand new products at the Co-op. Kendall works with companies big and small to bring us specialty products you probably won’t find anywhere else in the area.


In the photo, Kendall is on her break, enjoying a relaxing cup of Alvita Lemongrass Tea. This line of medicinal teas is the new product she’s most excited about. Not only is it sourced from a relatively small company that’s longtime been in the tea business, but it’s organic and reasonably priced.
“I like that these are single element herb teas as opposed to blends,” Kendall said.

In addition to Lemongrass, we also have Milk Thistle, used to alleviate stomach upset, Nettle, traditionally used to support joint comfort, Black Cohosh Root which the company says has been used for centuries to support women’ health, and finally Elder Flower, which is well-known to support respiratory health.

Want to peek at some of our other new products?

In the bar section, there’s the Macro Greens All Natural Energy Bar which is raw, vegan, and grain-free.


Due to the success of Rawnola Bars, we now have a new flavor, heirloom cacao, which Kendall says is, “absolutely delicious”.


This new protein bar, Pineapple Chocolate Chip Wonder, Kendall can also testify to its delicious-ness. It’s a tough job to try all these new treats, but seriously someone has got to do it! If we get one in that doesn’t taste good, we do not try to sell it to you!


On the raw food shelf, we have a new brand of raw, organic unpasteurized almonds. Raw means the nuts retain all the beneficial enzymes that pasteurization eliminates.


Another flavor of Gone Nuts, because these have been hot-sellers, now you can try the Mesquite Pod Maple Walnuts.


Over in the cracker department, new organic saltines are kind of special and cool because they contain rosemary and sesame plus they’re individually wrapped in increments of three so they’re good for-on the-go or school lunches.


People have been asking for it and we now have Rice Bran Oil. It’s for high heat cooking as well as salad dressings and Asian cooking.


A new type of Lily’s Dark Chocolate, Almond, which is stevia-sweetened, and considerably less in calories.


Vinegar-soaked garlic cloves for a “ridiculously” good price have Kendall, “using them in pretty much everything because they’ve been so convenient.”


Finally Organic Sriracha Sauce, it’s gluten free, and a wonderful condiment and ingredient that adds a spicy kick to whatever you’re eating.


Co-op in the Community: Astoria High School Vice Principal Makes Fresh Fruit Part of His Curriculum


Being sent to the principal’s office might not be so bad if you were offered a piece of fresh fruit. Astoria High School Vice Principal, Chad Madsen, has a bowl of organic apples and pears from the Co-op in his office. This is only his first year as vice principal, but already kids know this is where they can come get fruit; they don’t have to be in trouble to do so, but in some cases, the fruit acts as a peace offering.

“There’s actually a lot of times when a kid comes in, let’s say they’re had a difficult situation in a classroom or they’ve in a bad mood or things aren’t going well and I’ll ask if they’re hungry and a lot of times that answer is yes. A lot of times you will see surprise on a student’s face more than anything. A lot of times this kid is in big trouble, and the first thing I do is say, grab an apple, let’s talk. I don’t know if it’s the physical effect of actually getting some sustenance in their body or maybe just the community piece of that. It sometimes does help for that communication to be a little less contentious, a little more positive,” Madsen said.

Madsen got the idea from his dad, a teacher, who worked with an orchardist to provide an abundant supply of fresh apples in the elementary school Madsen attended in Hood River. When Madsen grew up and became a teacher (he taught PE, health, and math) he was shocked to discover some kids either not eating, or eating unhealthy foods. He says that feeling of always knowing you can have something to snack on is a mental relief because a lot of kids don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

This is a collaboration with the Co-op offering seasonal organic fruit at cost and the North Coast Food Web providing funding and support. NCFW Food Systems Coordinator, Renia Ydstie, replenishes Madsen’s fruit supply as needed, usually a few times a week. Ydstie also works part-time at the high school as a youth transitions specialist.

“It’s working with the people who often need it most in a way that’s really concrete. It unifies a lot of parts of the community; to get a piece of fruit to one kid takes all these people working together and everyone is so wholeheartedly invested in it,” Ydstie said.

Not to sound cliché, but Ydstie says this kind of relationship between people and food is building community through food, which happens to be the Co-op’s mission. Ydstie and Madsen both hope to see the program continue and maybe even expand one day to reach even more students.

If you’d like to contribute to this effort, we’ve got donation jars at our cash registers!

apple change jar