Co+op Deals is Here! What is that you might ask?

Early this year our Co-op officially became full member owners in the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA). This cooperatively run business services organization partners more than 120 nationwide food co-ops in order to provide purchasing power, staff development programs, financial oversight, and, most notably for our co-op shoppers, a promotional program called Co+op Deals.

The Co+op Deals program consists of several components, the most prominent of which is a bi-monthly sales flyer. Beginning in June, our co-op will distribute these sales flyers throughout our region via the Daily Astorian. We know that you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the competitive pricing inside the flyer. We’ll be highlighting some of the best deals on our sales endcaps in the front of the store. We’ll even have local artists chalking up fun graphics above these sale displays (if you’re interested in helping with these chalkboard signs, email [email protected]). You’ll notice these displays changing every two weeks in connection with the sales flyer.

Co+op Deals will be communicated in store through specific signage. These sales will be available to all shoppers. Our aim is to introduce the co-op to new shoppers by showing them that our store provides competitive pricing on key or staple items. While they check out the organic olive oil for $8.99, they won’t be able to pass up the fresh produce, tasty organic deli, friendly staff, and all the other wonderful things our co-op has to offer. Before they know it, they’ll be co-op owners just like you!
The Co-op will still feature member/owner sales. New signage will clearly indicate that a sale is a member-only deal.  These sales are an additional member benefit that we will continue to offer on a monthly basis. Weekly produce sales will also remain member-only specials.

In addition to the bi-monthly sales flyer, the Co+op Deals program will include a coupon program that permits additional savings at the Co-op! Don’t worry; we don’t expect you to do a bunch of coupon clipping. We’ll post coupon tear off pads right in front of the products to which they apply. Once in a while a coupon will apply to a product that is on sale too. That means some pretty good deals! Our first coupons will hit the store in July. They are valid for two month periods and are available to all shoppers.

All in all, the Co+op Deals program accomplishes what our co-op could never do alone. Only through the combined effort of many co-ops across the country can we offer this additional value to our community. Help us share the program with friends or family who may think the co-op is too expensive.  Co+op Deals will prove that the Astoria Co-op can be your go-to grocery store!