Stop the Spread

A message from our General Manager, Matt Stanley

We continue to navigate our new reality operating a grocery store during a pandemic. We’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response to all the measures we put in place. Thank you so much for adhering to them!

These times certainly call for cooperation as our health depends on everyone else. As a grocery shopper you can play your part by not coming in many times throughout the week. Try to do shopping trips that will get you through a nice chunk of days. We also ask that you don’t shop in groups. This isn’t the time to bring in your whole family to shop. Send someone here, keep everyone else at home and that’s going to slow the virus down.

In the store, we’ve put green stickers on the ground. These are going to help everybody maintain the six feet. “Six feet of distance determines our existence” is a slogan I’m saying. All our staff members are wearing buttons that say, “I’m happy to help from six feet away”. Please do your part by maintaining that six foot distance and having the patience to wait to go to the next section if somebody is already there.

Some other precautions we’re taking include limiting the number of shoppers in the store, asking that you sanitize hands upon entry, only touching items you wish to buy and no reusable containers or bags of any kind (including cash and returned items). We’ve temporarily reduced hours to 9am–7pm to allow for more time to restock and sanitize.

Thank you so much. Together we can stop the spread!

Co-op General Manager Matt Stanley can be reached at [email protected] or by calling the store, (503) 325-0027.

Grocery Pickup

More Coronavirus Precautions

New Hours & Other Safety Precautions

Fundraiser for Guy

Update: It is with heavy hearts, we share the news that Guy passed away. We’re glad he had the opportunity to hear from so many of you and to know his final medical costs won’t burden his family. Thank you for all the expressions of love you have sent his way. They meant the world to Guy as community was everything to him.

Our beloved cashier Guy Rabe has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. We are raising funds to help his family with medical bills and other expenses. Our general manager, Matt Stanley has set up a fundraiser via Go Fund Me. We know this is a tough time for everyone, but if you’re able to spare anything, we know Guy and his family could use the help and we’re grateful for any contribution. Here’s the link to the Go Fund Me account.

Guy has worked as a cashier at the co-op the last two and half years. Over that time we’ve seen him demonstrate a true love for people and our community. He prided himself on building relationships with shoppers.

Many folks may not know that Guy spent 20 years working with the chronically homeless of Portland. Helping them connect to resources, giving moral support, and so much more.

Guy moved to Astoria in 2017 and bought a home with plans of living out his life here on the coast. He recently sustained an injury and was diagnosed with a terminal illness that will not allow him to work anymore.

Guy is a very private person, but cared very much for our community and regulars he interacted with, so if you have a message for him, please reply to this email and we will share it with him. We’re all very sad about this news and miss seeing Guy at work. We want him and his family to be as comfortable as possible right now. Thanks so much for you love and support!

Grocery Pickup

Astoria Co+op is offering grocery pickup service to help keep our most vulnerable community-members safe.

If you’re of good health and not in a high-risk group for coronavirus, please visit our store, as we have limited capacity to implement curbside pickup. We are taking many precautions to keep the store safe and are open 9am to 7pm daily.

If you feel you are in a high-risk group including seniors and those with compromised immune systems and need grocery pickup service, we’re glad to help do your shopping. Click here for more information.

More Coronavirus Precautions

In a continued effort to keep providing the community with groceries in the safest manner possible, we are making additional changes until further notice that include the following:

  • We will no longer accept outside reusable containers in the store. This means no reusable grocery bags, no reusable bulk containers, and no can/bottle returns. We will cover the state-mandated bag fee.
  • We are not accepting returned items. If you’re unhappy with a purchase, we will evaluate on a case by case basis.
  • All bulk foods are now prepackaged.
  • We cannot accept special orders due to difficulties with distribution.
  • No cash is accepted at this time. Credit, debit, gift cards, checks and EBT only.

We ask that you keep the health of yourself and community in mind. If you are experiencing any cold/flu-like symptoms, please do not enter the store. Use the hand sanitizer dispenser we have at the entrance before shopping. Keep at least six feet of distance between fellow shoppers and staff. If you must cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow.

The coronavirus we’re trying to protect against spreads easily and lives on surfaces for a long time, so keep in mind, “if you touch it you buy it”. Meaning, please do not peruse produce with your hands. A staff member would be happy to help you select the perfect fruit or veggie.

We’re taking a myriad of measures so we can continue to provide a vital service to you and the community in a safe manner. Some other big changes include no self-serve food or in-house dining, limiting the number of shoppers in the store at one time and a reduction in hours to allow more time for stocking and sanitizing.  We have assigned a staff person to sanitize touch points throughout the day.

We have received an overwhelmingly positive response regarding our new precautions. It’s great to have this encouragement in a very difficult time and thank you for your support! We are always open to your feedback and suggestions. You can reach us at [email protected].

New Hours & Other Safety Measures

Due to current circumstances, we need more time to stock and sanitize. Starting March 18, we’ll reduce hours to 9am-7pm.

Today, we began limiting the number of customers in the store to 10 individuals or groups/families. We have a staff person at the entrance helping to queue shoppers and have measured tape spaced 6-feet apart so that anyone waiting in line can practice social distancing. We’re asking this distancing continue in the store and that everyone use hand sanitizer we’ve placed at the entrance before shopping.

We’re asking anyone with cold/flu-like symptoms to stay home, including shoppers and staff. As you know, we are facing a global pandemic. The co-op wants to keep our staff, shoppers, and community healthy while continuing to serve you. You can read more about the many precautions we’re taking by clicking here.

Thanks for being so supportive and understanding through this rough time. We’ll continue to keep you updated. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and concerns. You can reach us at [email protected] or call (503) 325-0027.

Hot Bar, Salad Bar & Seating Area Closed

In a continued effort to keep our store as clean and safe as possible, we’ve made some changes to our deli. For the time being, there will be no self-serve food in the hot bar and salad bar. We’re still serving food in the taqueria and upping grab n’ go options.

All prepared foods are currently to go only. We’ve closed our deli seating area to eliminate the chance of people congregating and spreading germs. Cardboard to-go boxes and disposable utensils will be available in lieu of washable dishware.

As you know, we are facing a global pandemic. The co-op wants to keep our staff, shoppers, and community healthy while continuing to serve you. There are many precautions we’re taking:

    • Shoppers are asked to use a hand sanitizing station as they enter the store.
    • We’ve placed several other hand sanitizing dispensers around the store.
    • Staff have been instructed to maintain at least a 3-foot separation from each other and shoppers and we ask that you please respect this social distancing.
    • We are sanitizing shopping cart handles with an EPA listed product. Sanitized carts are located inside and used carts should be returned to the cart corrals outside.
    • Gloves are now available for shopping in the bulk department.
    • We are asking all staff with any cold/flu-like symptoms to stay home. We have relaxed sick time policies so that staff don’t have to worry about missing hours.
    • We are asking shoppers who have cold/flu-like symptoms to stay home as well.
    • Our staff is sanitizing touch points throughout the store regularly including, but not limited to restrooms and checkout areas.
    • We have suspended all food and drink sampling demos in the store.

We are closely monitoring the news, information from health agencies and best practices from co-op peers. We’ll keep you updated if anything else in our business changes. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions and concerns. You can reach us at [email protected] or call (503) 325-0027. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Update: A Healthy Co-op

A message from our General Manager Matt Stanley

It is often the case, in difficult times, that grocery stores are a vital resource to the communities they serve. The recent outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is proving that this continues to be true.

You have come to us in recent days to stock your pantry, replenish cleaning supplies, and prepare alongside others in the community. As a grocery store, our co-op is in the unique position of offering essential services for our communities while also doing all we can to minimize risk to our staff, members, and shoppers.

In light of the situation our region finds itself in, I want to share the things our co-op is doing to best serve you, care for our staff, and be a responsible member of our community:

  • While Astoria has had no reported COVID-19 infections, we have asked any staff exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness or fever to stay home and notify their physician. We have also given our staff who have underlying medical conditions the invitation to discuss their concerns with me and our HR department for possible reassignment of duty.
  • We have sanitizing wipes available at the entrance for you to wipe down your shopping cart. We have also installed several hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the store for your use, including one around the corner at the entrance and one at the hot food and salad bar. Our staff is actively sanitizing touch points throughout the store throughout the day including multiple bathroom cleanings daily.
  • Touchless payment options all work at the co-op, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay. If your touchless pay is programmed with a credit card (not debit) you will not need to touch anything at checkout.
  • Our deli management team is ServeSafe (advanced food safety training) trained and excellent food safety standards are maintained in the co-op kitchen.  We are rotating serving spoons and tongs hourly on the hot food and salad bar. The deli seating area tabletops are sanitized hourly. Gloves are worn by all deli staff at all times.
  • We have suspended all demos in the store.
  • We are experiencing increased out of stocks from our distributors. It is likely that this will continue. It is possible that we will have missed deliveries due to the increased demand for staple items during this time. We are working hard to keep the co-op stocked.

We anticipate that guidance from federal, state and local agencies may change rapidly over the coming days and weeks. We will continue to monitor closely and be nimble in adjusting our operations to prioritize the health and safety of you and our staff.

I know you have many choices when it comes to where to purchase groceries. Thank you for choosing our co-op and for being an integral part of our community.

A Healthy Co-op

The news about the coronavirus spreading in our country and cases in Oregon and Washington is concerning. Your co-op is closely monitoring the situation and taking precautions for the health of our shoppers and staff.

We have stepped up frequency of sanitizing door handles and other surfaces and have installed several hand sanitizing stations around the store. We are reminding employees to be vigilant about hand washing and are asking anyone with cold flu symptoms to stay home.

If you are planning on stocking up on food and water, let us know and we can order cases for you. Most items will arrive within a few days. There is a 10% discount on cases. You can special order a case in-person by asking a staff member, calling the store (503) 325-0027, or emailing [email protected] with your request.

Spring Wellness Sale

During our Spring Wellness Department Sale that starts Friday, every vitamin, supplement, bath and body care product is 25% off! It’s the perfect opportunity to stock up on everything your body needs to stay healthy during this change in seasons.

Whether you’re looking to support healthy blood sugar balance, memory or heart health, come and discover an extensive selection of the highest quality multivitamins, minerals, botanicals, herbs, CBD oil, probiotics, homeopathic remedies and more.

We also know that what goes on your body is just as important as what goes in it, which is why we offer a wide array of natural hair care, facial care, cosmetics, soaps, salts, deodorants, oral hygiene, and aromatherapy products to help you nourish and pamper yourself.

The wellness sale is Fri–Sun, February 28–March 1. During the event, there will be opportunities to win wellness-related prizes and get free samples. Thanks so much for your support. We look forward to seeing you!