Co-op Reaches Expansion Investment Goal

The Co-op’s investment campaign “Together We Grow” has reached its goal, raising $1.5 million to build a bigger store. The Co-op launched the fundraising effort a month and a half ago at its annual meeting. “We’re blown away by the Co-op support that we’ve seen. It’s a clear demonstration of the fac

Need More Investors to Reach Goal

The Co-op’s investment campaign “Together We Grow” has raised $1.2 million as of Thursday October 26, a little more than a month since the fundraising launch. The Co-op’s goal is to raise $1.5 million by month’s-end to stay on track for building a new store. The Co-op has a lease at 23rd and Marine

Bulk Shopping Sale

Everything in our bulk aisle–food, coffee, soap, etc.–will be 25% on October 14-15, 2017! Your co-op wants to expose more shoppers to the savings, convenience and variety that bulk shopping has to offer, in conjunction with National Bulk Foods Week (October 14-20). Portland State Univers

Together We Grow Update

By General Manager Matt Stanley We’re embarking on a truly grassroots effort to build co-op equity so we can make our dream store a reality and keep as much of the financing for the project as local as possible. Now, three weeks into our owner investment campaign Together We Grow we’re almost halfwa

Hurricane Harvey Relief

Iowa City, IA – In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s destruction in communities throughout Texas and Louisiana, National Co+op Grocers (NCG) joins co-ops and other businesses nationwide in providing contributions to assist in relief and recovery efforts. On behalf of its member co-ops, NCG is donating

New Store Rendering

Here’s a conceptual rendering of our new store at 23rd and Marine Drive in Astoria’s Millpond; a location that’s been secured with a lease which includes construction of a new store. The new building will be about 12,000 square feet; four times the size of the current store. Read more about th

Owner Investment Campaign

Our grassroots effort to make a bigger store a reality has sprouted! Our business, a consumer-owned cooperative, has launched an owner investment campaign called “Together We Grow”, and we’ve already raised $430,000! Preferred shares are an issuance of stock for Oregon residents who are Co-op

Annual Meeting

UPDATE: Our event has reached maximum capacity, a record turnout by far! We knew this was going to be an exciting meeting, and we wanted to make sure we had an accurate count to plan appropriately (so required RSVP’s). Everything we share at the meeting will be promptly available on our web pa

Parade Route and the Co-op

Folks, expect vehicle access to the store to be closed during the Regatta parade on Saturday August 12. Exchange Street in front of the co-op will be closed around 10:30 and will re-open after the parade gets over (which may be around 1-2 p.m.). More from Astoria 911 Dispatch: Astoria Regatta Grand

Founding Mamas & Papas

Left to Right: Randy Puseman, McLaren Innes, Stewart Bell, Josie Peper, Richard Hurley, Carol Newman, John Folk & Carol Folk The concept which grew into our present Co-op came from the Rainbow Family Gathering in 1972. A smal