Solar Project Completion

Our renewable energy project is coming to fruition, generating clean, renewable energy, and helping power our community-owned grocery store. This week we are completing installation of a rooftop solar array.

The co-op is the first retailer in the region to add a solar—an environmental and economical investment. The 51 kilowatt solar array will generate about a third of the co-op’s electricity, resulting in an estimated $500 per month savings. As energy costs increase, the savings will be significant: one estimate shows the co-op will save nearly $1 million in electrical bills over 25 years.

Co-op General Manager Matt Stanley

“We’re excited to model how a coastal business can successfully take advantage of solar energy,” co-op general manager Matt Stanley said. “This project reflects the cooperative model’s emphasis on environmental stewardship as well as the power of people coming together to make something extraordinary happen.”

The total cost is approximately $200,000 and includes a variety of funding sources in addition to our own capital. The co-op worked with Elemental Energy to install the system and secure grants. Pacific Power’s Blue Sky program participants were instrumental in the project happening.

“It is always a great day when we can partner with a small business like Astoria Co+op, to help power a brighter future for the community,” said Alisa Dunlap, regional business manager at Pacific Power. “We’re pleased that through our Blue Sky program Pacific Power customers can nurture more renewable power and support the goals of local schools, libraries and community centers and other essential services.”

Blue Sky is an opt-in program that gives Pacific Power customers the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint while supporting the development of new renewable energy. Through Blue Sky customers can also invest in qualifying, renewable energy projects for community-serving organizations. Since 2006, Pacific Power Blue Sky Block participants have supported more than 120 community-based solar, wind, geothermal and renewable energy projects across Pacific Power’s service area.

Just a few of the approximately 120 panels that will be on the co-op rooftop.

We will have to complete the inspection process before the solar system is up and running. Once that happens, we will have a monitoring page so you can see in real time how much power the solar project is generating. Stay tuned for more information!


3 thoughts on “Solar Project Completion”

  1. Congratualtions! What a great thing to do. So glad we just found you and joined immediately.

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