Summer Garden Tour

UPDATED DATE! Save the date for the Summer Co-op Garden Tour! Starting at noon July 9, Becky Graham of Harvest Moon Design plans to lead a tour of the co-op garden and share her expertise in organic gardening for pollinators. Hope to see you then!

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Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration honoring the emancipation of slavery in the United States. On June 19, 1865, the remaining enslaved people of Galveston, Texas were set free, despite them and their enslavers having known of the Emancipation Proclamation being signed into order two years pr

Father’s Day Gifts

Get ready for Father’s Day at the co-op! In addition to grilling meats and veggies and tasty treats, pick up some locally made gifts. Show the father figures in your life you appreciate them with Oregon-themed gifts, including mugs and tea infusers from Beachigirl Pottery and Woodcraft, candle